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Third Degree AV Block

AV block 3rd degree, Complete heart block

Atrioventricular (AV) Node

atria, SA node, AV node
  • In sinus rhythm, impulses are generated regularly (approx. 60/min) in the SA node
    • Each impulse spreads through the atria (P wave) to the AV node
  • In the AV node, the impulse is delayed by approximately 0.1s
    • During this time, the atria pump blood into the ventricles
    • Then the impulse continues to the ventricles (QRS complex)

PQ Interval

P wave, Q wave, R wave, PR interval
  1. Impulse originates in SA node
    • When it travels to the atrial myocardium, it starts generating P wave
    • Simultaneously, it spreads through the conduction system towards the AV node
      • The impulse in the conduction system does not create a curve
  2. The impulse enters the AV node
    • The impulse spreads from the SA node
    • At the time of atrial activation (peak of the P wave)
      • It arrives through the conduction system to the AV node
  3. Delayed (decremental) conduction in the AV node
    • The impulse “lingers” in the AV node for about 0.1s (no curve is formed)
    • Then it passes to the His bundle (no curve is formed)
  4. Activation of the ventricular septum
    • From the His bundle, the impulse through Purkinje fibers
      • Begins to activate the ventricular septal myocardium
      • Begins to form a Q wave

AV Block III (Complete AV Block)

  • Conduction system is blocked "cut" at the level of the AV junction
    • Atria and ventricles are electrically isolated from each other
    • No impulse from the atria (P wave) reaches the ventricles
  • The conduction system can be blocked in 4 locations:
  • Sometimes AV Block III is classified as:
    • Suprahisian (block is above the His bundle)
    • Infrahisian (block is below the His bundle)

3rd complete av block, AV nodal block, His bundle block, Bilateral bundle branch block, Trifascicular block

Backup Rhythm

3rd av block, junctional escape rhythm, ventricular escape rhythm

ECG and AV Block III Degree

AV Block III Degree (QRS < 0.12s)

ECG, Laddergram, 3rd degree complete av block, junctional escape rhythm, narrow qrs complexes

AV Block III Degree and Junctional Rhythm

AV Block III Degree (QRS > 0.12s)

Laddergram, ECG, 3rd degree complete av block, ventricular escape rhythm, broad qrs complexes

AV Block III Degree and Ventricular Rhythm

  • SA node generates impulses regularly
    • Heart rate of P waves (SA node) is 75/min
    • All impulses from the SA node (P waves) are blocked infrahisally
  • Below the AV block in the ventricles, an ectopic focus has been activated, leading to a ventricular rhythm
    • Frequency: 35/min
    • Broad QRS complexes (> 0.12s), as impulses activate the ventricles through the myocardium, not through the conduction system
    • AV dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • PQ interval changes

AV Block II Degree

ECG and Laddergram 2nd degree AV block, Mobitz II high degree

AV Block II Degree - Mobitz II (High Degree)

3rd AV block, ventricular escape rhythm
ECG 3rd degree AV block, AV dissociation, bilateral bundle block, ventricular escape rhythm

3rd Degree AV Block

complete AV block, ventricular rhythm
ECG completa av block, broad qrs, ventricular rhythm

3rd Degree AV Block

3rd AV block, AV nodal block
ECG complete av block, av dissociation, junctional escape rhythm

3rd Degree AV Block

  • AV Dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • Atrial frequency (P waves): 100/min.
    • Ventricular frequency (QRS complexes): 27/min.
  • PQ interval varies
  • This is a supra-Hisian 3rd Degree AV Block

complete AV block, ventricular ectopic focus
ECG complete av block, av dissociation, broad qrs complex, ventricular escape rhythm

3rd Degree AV Block

2nd degree, high-grade AV block
Second av block - mobitz 2, high degree, 3:1

2nd Degree AV Block - Mobitz II (3:1)

  • AV Dissociation is not present because there is a consistent relationship between P waves and QRS complexes
    • PQ interval is constant at 0.18s, indicating that the atria and ventricles are electrically connected
  • Conduction to the ventricles is 3:1
    • Every 3rd P wave is conducted to the ventricles, resulting in a QRS complex
    • Impulses (P waves) are intermittently blocked in the His bundle
  • This is an 2nd Degree AV Block (High-Grade) - Mobitz II (3:1)

High-grade AV block
2nd av block - mobitz II, high degree, 4:1

2nd Degree AV Block - Mobitz II (4:1)

3rd AV Block, AV Nodal Block
ECG complete av block, inferior STEMI infarction

AV Block III Degree and Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction

Complete AV Block, Ventricular Ectopic Focus
ECG AV dissociation, complete AV block

AV Block III Degree

Complete AV Block, Ventricular Ectopic Focus
ECG complete AV block, av dissociation, broad QRS

AV Block III Degree

  • AV Dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • Atrial Frequency (P waves): 100/min.
    • Ventricular Frequency (QRS complexes): 15/min.
  • PQ Interval is changing
  • This is an Infranodal AV Block III Degree
  • With a ventricular frequency of 15/min., the ventricles are unable to ensure adequate circulation
    • Patient experiences syncope - loss of consciousness
    • Patient requires urgent pacing

3rd AV Block, AV Nodal Block
ECG 3rd degree AV block, Isorhythmic AV Dissociation

AV Block III Degree

alternating LBBB and RBBB
ECG Alternating bundle branch block, 3rd degree AV block

Alternating Tawara's Bundle Block

  • At the beginning of the ECG there is a left Tawara's bundle block (LBBB)
  • After a atrial extrasystole
  • This indicates severe damage to the conduction system
    • Both Tawara's bundles are damaged
  • PQ interval in LBBB is longer than PQ interval in RBBB
    • This indicates that the right Tawara's bundle is more damaged
      • Because it takes longer to activate the ventricles
  • Such a patient may develop
    • AV Block II Degree - Mobitz II
    • AV Block III Degree
  • A patient with such an ECG is indicated for pacemaker insertion

3rd AV block, AV nodal block
ecg complete 3rd degree atrioventricular (AV) block

AV Block of the Third Degree


  • ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step
  • Strong Medicine
  • Understanding Pacemakers

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Third Degree AV Block

AV block 3rd degree, Complete heart block

Atrioventricular (AV) Node

  • In sinus rhythm, impulses are generated regularly (approx. 60/min) in the SA node
    • Each impulse spreads through the atria (P wave) to the AV node
  • In the AV node, the impulse is delayed by approximately 0.1s
    • During this time, the atria pump blood into the ventricles
    • Then the impulse continues to the ventricles (QRS complex)

atria, SA node, AV node

PQ Interval

  1. Impulse originates in SA node
    • When it travels to the atrial myocardium, it starts generating P wave
    • Simultaneously, it spreads through the conduction system towards the AV node
      • The impulse in the conduction system does not create a curve
  2. The impulse enters the AV node
    • The impulse spreads from the SA node
    • At the time of atrial activation (peak of the P wave)
      • It arrives through the conduction system to the AV node
  3. Delayed (decremental) conduction in the AV node
    • The impulse “lingers” in the AV node for about 0.1s (no curve is formed)
    • Then it passes to the His bundle (no curve is formed)
  4. Activation of the ventricular septum
    • From the His bundle, the impulse through Purkinje fibers
      • Begins to activate the ventricular septal myocardium
      • Begins to form a Q wave
P wave, Q wave, R wave, PR interval

AV Block III (Complete AV Block)

  • Conduction system is blocked "cut" at the level of the AV junction
    • Atria and ventricles are electrically isolated from each other
    • No impulse from the atria (P wave) reaches the ventricles
  • The conduction system can be blocked in 4 locations:
  • Sometimes AV Block III is classified as:
    • Suprahisian (block is above the His bundle)
    • Infrahisian (block is below the His bundle)

3rd complete av block, AV nodal block, His bundle block, Bilateral bundle branch block, Trifascicular block

Backup Rhythm

3rd av block, junctional escape rhythm, ventricular escape rhythm

ECG and AV Block III Degree

AV Block III Degree (QRS < 0.12s)

ECG, Laddergram, 3rd degree complete av block, junctional escape rhythm, narrow qrs complexes

AV Block III Degree and Junctional Rhythm

AV Block III Degree (QRS > 0.12s)

Laddergram, ECG, 3rd degree complete av block, ventricular escape rhythm, broad qrs complexes

AV Block III Degree and Ventricular Rhythm

  • SA node generates impulses regularly
    • Heart rate of P waves (SA node) is 75/min
    • All impulses from the SA node (P waves) are blocked infrahisally
  • Below the AV block in the ventricles, an ectopic focus has been activated, leading to a ventricular rhythm
    • Frequency: 35/min
    • Broad QRS complexes (> 0.12s), as impulses activate the ventricles through the myocardium, not through the conduction system
    • AV dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • PQ interval changes

AV Block II Degree

ECG and Laddergram 2nd degree AV block, Mobitz II high degree

AV Block II Degree - Mobitz II (High Degree)

ECG 3rd degree AV block, AV dissociation, bilateral bundle block, ventricular escape rhythm

3rd Degree AV Block

3rd AV block, ventricular escape rhythm

ECG completa av block, broad qrs, ventricular rhythm

3rd Degree AV Block

  • AV Dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • Atrial frequency (P waves): 60/min.
    • Ventricular frequency (QRS complexes): 27/min.
  • PQ interval varies
  • This is an infra-Hisian 3rd Degree AV Block
complete AV block, ventricular rhythm

ECG complete av block, av dissociation, junctional escape rhythm

3rd Degree AV Block

  • AV Dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • Atrial frequency (P waves): 100/min.
    • Ventricular frequency (QRS complexes): 27/min.
  • PQ interval varies
  • This is a supra-Hisian 3rd Degree AV Block
3rd AV block, AV nodal block

ECG complete av block, av dissociation, broad qrs complex, ventricular escape rhythm

3rd Degree AV Block

  • AV Dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • Atrial frequency (P waves): 75/min.
    • Ventricular frequency (QRS complexes): 27/min.
  • PQ interval varies
  • This is an infra-Hisian 3rd Degree AV Block
    • Wide QRS complexes (>0.12s), as a ventricular ectopic focus is activated
complete AV block, ventricular ectopic focus

Second av block - mobitz 2, high degree, 3:1

2nd Degree AV Block - Mobitz II (3:1)

  • AV Dissociation is not present because there is a consistent relationship between P waves and QRS complexes
    • PQ interval is constant at 0.18s, indicating that the atria and ventricles are electrically connected
  • Conduction to the ventricles is 3:1
    • Every 3rd P wave is conducted to the ventricles, resulting in a QRS complex
    • Impulses (P waves) are intermittently blocked in the His bundle
  • This is an 2nd Degree AV Block (High-Grade) - Mobitz II (3:1)
2nd degree, high-grade AV block

2nd av block - mobitz II, high degree, 4:1

2nd Degree AV Block - Mobitz II (4:1)

  • AV Dissociation is not present because there is a consistent relationship between P waves and QRS complexes
    • PQ interval is constant at 0.2s, indicating that the atria and ventricles are electrically connected
  • Conduction to the ventricles is 4:1
    • Every 4th P wave is conducted to the ventricles, resulting in a QRS complex
    • Impulses (P waves) are intermittently blocked in the His bundle
  • This is an 2nd Degree AV Block (High-Grade) - Mobitz II (4:1)
High-grade AV block

ECG complete av block, inferior STEMI infarction

AV Block III Degree and Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction

3rd AV Block, AV Nodal Block

ECG AV dissociation, complete AV block

AV Block III Degree

  • AV Dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • Atrial Frequency (P waves): 60/min.
    • Ventricular Frequency (QRS complexes): 27/min.
  • PQ Interval is changing
  • This is an Infranodal AV Block III Degree
Complete AV Block, Ventricular Ectopic Focus

ECG complete AV block, av dissociation, broad QRS

AV Block III Degree

  • AV Dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • Atrial Frequency (P waves): 100/min.
    • Ventricular Frequency (QRS complexes): 15/min.
  • PQ Interval is changing
  • This is an Infranodal AV Block III Degree
  • With a ventricular frequency of 15/min., the ventricles are unable to ensure adequate circulation
    • Patient experiences syncope - loss of consciousness
    • Patient requires urgent pacing
Complete AV Block, Ventricular Ectopic Focus

ECG 3rd degree AV block, Isorhythmic AV Dissociation

AV Block III Degree

  • On the ECG, we only see a continuous lead II
    • Atrial Frequency (P waves): 85/min.
    • Ventricular Frequency (QRS complexes): 42/min.
  • Atrial frequency is approximately 2x higher than the ventricular frequency
  • Consider AV Block II Degree with 2:1 Conduction
  • However, the P wave gradually merges into the QRS complex
    • PQ interval is changing
  • This is a Suprahisian AV Block III Degree
3rd AV Block, AV Nodal Block

ECG Alternating bundle branch block, 3rd degree AV block

Alternating Tawara's Bundle Block

  • At the beginning of the ECG there is a left Tawara's bundle block (LBBB)
  • After a atrial extrasystole
  • This indicates severe damage to the conduction system
    • Both Tawara's bundles are damaged
  • PQ interval in LBBB is longer than PQ interval in RBBB
    • This indicates that the right Tawara's bundle is more damaged
      • Because it takes longer to activate the ventricles
  • Such a patient may develop
    • AV Block II Degree - Mobitz II
    • AV Block III Degree
  • A patient with such an ECG is indicated for pacemaker insertion

alternating LBBB and RBBB

ecg complete 3rd degree atrioventricular (AV) block

AV Block of the Third Degree

  • AV Dissociation - P waves are independent of QRS complexes
    • Atrial frequency (P waves): 70/min.
    • Ventricular frequency (QRS complexes): 45/min.
  • PQ interval is variable
  • It is a supraventricular AV block of the third degree
3rd AV block, AV nodal block


  • ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step
  • Strong Medicine
  • Understanding Pacemakers