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Ventricular parasystole, Parasystole, Pararrhythmia, Ventricular parasystolic rhythm, Protected pacemaker

Heart Rhythm

Sinus rhythm, SA node depolarization vector direction

Ectopic Ventricular Focus

Ventricular rhythm, Idioventricular escape rhythm, ventricular ectopic focus

Unidirectional Electrical Block

Ectopic ventricular focus, entrance block, exit block
  • In a structurally altered heart, a unidirectional electrical block can form around the ventricular focus

  • Entrance block
    • No external impulse (from the SA node) passes into the focus
  • Exit impulses from the focus are not blocked
    • A functional exit block can occur
      • If an impulse exits the focus during the refractory period of the ventricles
        • The ventricles are currently activated by the SA node
      • thus this impulse will be functionally blocked (overdrive suppression)


Ventricular parasystole, Parasystole, Pararrhythmia, Ventricular parasystolic rhythm

Transplanted Heart and Atrial Parasystole

Atrial Parasystole after Heart Transplantation
  • Transplanted Heart
    • Is sewn onto a part of the recipient's atrial myocardium
  • The recipient's atria are then electrically isolated
    • From the atria of the transplanted heart
    • Because they are separated by a suture

  • In the recipient's atrial myocardium
  • In the transplanted heart
    • The SA node generates a sinus rhythm
    • The SA node is isolated from the ectopic focus by the suture

  • Atrial parasystole appears on the ECG (2 independent rhythms)
    • P waves from the ectopic focus (recipient's atrial myocardium)
    • P waves from the SA node (SA node of the transplanted heart)

Ventricular Extrasystole (VES)

Ventricular extrasystole, coupling intervals
ECG sinus rhythm, premature ventricular complex, fixed coupling interval, full compensatory pause, broad QRS complex

Ventricular Extrasystole

ECG and Parasystole

  • Parasystole
    • An ectopic focus generates impulses constantly at a frequency of 20-40/min. (ventricular rhythm)
      • Only some are blocked in the ventricles due to the refractory period (functional exit block)
  • On ECG, there are ventricular extrasystoles
    • Broad QRS complex (> 0.12s)
    • Discordance
    • Full compensatory pause

  • Characteristic triad:
    • 1. The coupling interval changes
      • Distance between VES and the preceding QRS complex
    • 2. Fusion beats
      • The ventricles are activated simultaneously from the SA node and the ventricular ectopic focus
    • 3. Inter-ectopic interval
      • VES are equidistant from each other (because the ventricular focus generates impulses regularly)
      • If a VES is blocked, it results in a multiple of the inter-ectopic interval

ECG Pararrhythmia, ventricular fusio beat, varying coupling interval, interectopic interval

Ventricular Parasystole

Ventricular parasystole, varying coupling interval, fusion compexes, interectopic intervals

Ventricular Parasystole

  • Sinus rhythm
  • The coupling interval changes (760, 960, 670...)
  • F: Fusion beat
  • Inter-ectopic interval is always an X multiple of 2400ms
    • Ventricular rhythm has a frequency of 25/min. (2400ms)

ECG parasystole, fusion beat, coupling intevals, sinus rhythm, ventricular extrasystoles

Ventricular Parasystole

Atrial Parasystole, Heart Transplantation
ECG atrial parasystole, heart transplantation, sinus rhythm, atrial ectopic rhythm

Atrial Parasystole and Heart Transplantation

  • Heart Transplant
  • The recipient's atria are then electrically isolated
    • From the atria of the transplanted heart
    • Because they are separated by a suture
  • Parasystole
    • The heart has 2 independent foci that generate impulses
      • 1. Focus is activated in the recipient's atrium
      • 2. Focus is the SA node in the transplanted heart
  • Ectopic atrial rhythm (1st focus)
    • P waves (marked in blue)
    • Each P wave is blocked at the suture
      • QRS complexes are independent of P waves
  • Sinus rhythm (2nd focus)
    • SA node generates P waves (marked in green)
    • Each P wave passes to the ventricles and generates a QRS
    • PQ interval is the same


  • ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step
  • Strong Medicine
  • Understanding Pacemakers

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Ventricular parasystole, Parasystole, Pararrhythmia, Ventricular parasystolic rhythm, Protected pacemaker

Heart Rhythm

Sinus rhythm, SA node depolarization vector direction

Ectopic Ventricular Focus

  • The ventricles (Purkinje fibers) are the tertiary pacemaker

Ventricular rhythm, Idioventricular escape rhythm, ventricular ectopic focus

Unidirectional Electrical Block

  • In a structurally altered heart, a unidirectional electrical block can form around the ventricular focus

  • Entrance block
    • No external impulse (from the SA node) passes into the focus
  • Exit impulses from the focus are not blocked
    • A functional exit block can occur
      • If an impulse exits the focus during the refractory period of the ventricles
        • The ventricles are currently activated by the SA node
      • thus this impulse will be functionally blocked (overdrive suppression)

Ectopic ventricular focus, entrance block, exit block


  • It is a unidirectional electrical block around an ectopic ventricular focus
    • A parasystolic ventricular focus develops
    • The heart then has 2 autonomous pacemakers
  • Parasystole
    • Prevalence approximately 0.1%
    • It is a sinus rhythm, alongside which (para) a ventricular rhythm runs
      • Sometimes referred to as ventricular parasystolic rhythm
    • Parasystole is a combination of:
      • Sinus rhythm + Ventricular rhythm
    • Very rarely, a combination may occur:

Ventricular parasystole, Parasystole, Pararrhythmia, Ventricular parasystolic rhythm

Transplanted Heart and Atrial Parasystole

  • Transplanted Heart
    • Is sewn onto a part of the recipient's atrial myocardium
  • The recipient's atria are then electrically isolated
    • From the atria of the transplanted heart
    • Because they are separated by a suture

  • In the recipient's atrial myocardium
  • In the transplanted heart
    • The SA node generates a sinus rhythm
    • The SA node is isolated from the ectopic focus by the suture

  • Atrial parasystole appears on the ECG (2 independent rhythms)
    • P waves from the ectopic focus (recipient's atrial myocardium)
    • P waves from the SA node (SA node of the transplanted heart)
Atrial Parasystole after Heart Transplantation

Ventricular Extrasystole (VES)

ECG sinus rhythm, premature ventricular complex, fixed coupling interval, full compensatory pause, broad QRS complex

Ventricular extrasystole, coupling intervals

Ventricular Extrasystole

ECG and Parasystole

  • Parasystole
    • An ectopic focus generates impulses constantly at a frequency of 20-40/min. (ventricular rhythm)
      • Only some are blocked in the ventricles due to the refractory period (functional exit block)
  • On ECG, there are ventricular extrasystoles
    • Broad QRS complex (> 0.12s)
    • Discordance
    • Full compensatory pause

  • Characteristic triad:
    • 1. The coupling interval changes
      • Distance between VES and the preceding QRS complex
    • 2. Fusion beats
      • The ventricles are activated simultaneously from the SA node and the ventricular ectopic focus
    • 3. Inter-ectopic interval
      • VES are equidistant from each other (because the ventricular focus generates impulses regularly)
      • If a VES is blocked, it results in a multiple of the inter-ectopic interval

ECG Pararrhythmia, ventricular fusio beat, varying coupling interval, interectopic interval

Ventricular Parasystole

Ventricular parasystole, varying coupling interval, fusion compexes, interectopic intervals

Ventricular Parasystole

  • Sinus rhythm
  • The coupling interval changes (760, 960, 670...)
  • F: Fusion beat
  • Inter-ectopic interval is always an X multiple of 2400ms
    • Ventricular rhythm has a frequency of 25/min. (2400ms)

ECG parasystole, fusion beat, coupling intevals, sinus rhythm, ventricular extrasystoles

Ventricular Parasystole

ECG atrial parasystole, heart transplantation, sinus rhythm, atrial ectopic rhythm

Atrial Parasystole and Heart Transplantation

  • Heart Transplant
  • The recipient's atria are then electrically isolated
    • From the atria of the transplanted heart
    • Because they are separated by a suture
  • Parasystole
    • The heart has 2 independent foci that generate impulses
      • 1. Focus is activated in the recipient's atrium
      • 2. Focus is the SA node in the transplanted heart
  • Ectopic atrial rhythm (1st focus)
    • P waves (marked in blue)
    • Each P wave is blocked at the suture
      • QRS complexes are independent of P waves
  • Sinus rhythm (2nd focus)
    • SA node generates P waves (marked in green)
    • Each P wave passes to the ventricles and generates a QRS
    • PQ interval is the same

Atrial Parasystole, Heart Transplantation


  • ECG from Basics to Essentials Step by Step
  • Strong Medicine
  • Understanding Pacemakers